Project description
The project entitled “Building and implementing the economic brand of the Końskowola Commune” involves the establishing of the Końskowola economic brand, and the conducting of an information and publicity campaign.
The project, to be implemented by 15 May 2015, covers a variety of measures, which include developing the economic brand strategy for the Końskowola Commune, establishing an economic information portal, preparing a multilingual spot to promote the economic values of the commune, releasing promotional Internet and radio broadcasts and sponsored articles, and also preparing and sending presentations to 100 key foreign investors.
The project activities will be addressed not only to entrepreneurs and potential investors, but also to residents of the commune who, by choosing local products, foster the local economy and contribute to its further growth.
The value of the project activities amounts to PLN 234 899.97, PLN 181 415.59 of which comes from the European Regional Development Fund resources under the Regional Operational Programme of the Lubelskie Voivodeship for 2007-2013.
Project objectives
The commune promotion will contribute to the meeting of several objectives, aimed at various target groups. These include increasing the number of investments, stimulating tourism movement, reviving the sense of local identity, and increasing the quality of life of the commune residents.
The principal goal of the project entitled “Building and implementing the economic brand of the Końskowola Commune” is to strengthen the image of the commune as a rose production and plant nursery area, distinguished by exceptional product quality, reflected in its exports to foreign markets.
The establishing of a strong, unique and attractive image will not only increase the competitive edge of the commune but also contribute to its reliability and public trust, which will foster its economic development.