The investment area in Konskowola 5


Site name: Końskowola 5
Town/Commune: Końskowola
District: puławski
Province (Voivodship): lubelskie

Area of property

Max. area available (as one piece): 1,3451 ha
The shape of the site: hexagon
Possibility for expansion: No

Property information

Approx. land price [PLN/m2] including 23% VAT: 22 PLN/ m2
Owner/s: private
Valid zoning plan: Yes
Zoning: Commercial services

Land specification

Soil class with area: R III b – 1,3451 ha
Differences in land level: 0,5 m
Present usage: Agricultural areas
Soil and underground water pollutionNo
Underground water level

Were geological research done: –
Risk of flooding or land slideNo
Underground obstaclesNo
Ground and overhead obstacles:  No
Ecological restrictions: No
Buildings / other constructions on site: No

Transport links

Access road to the plot (type and width of access road)asphalt road  (width 8 m)
Nearest motorway / national roadabout 7 km (in a few months 4 km)
Railway lineOk 1,5 km
Railway sidingOk 4 km
Nearest international airportLublin – ok 60 km
Nearest province capitalLublin – ok 50 km

Existing infrastructure

Electricity: No
Connection point  (distance from boundary): 350 m
Voltage: middle voltage
Available capacity:

Gas: No
Connection point  (distance from boundary): 500 m
Calorific value: –
Pipe diameter: –
Available capacity: –

Water supply: No
Connection point  (distance from boundary): 350 m
Available capacity: –

Sewage discharge: No
Connection point  (distance from boundary):  350 m
Available capacity: –
Treatment plant: No

Telephone: No
Connection point  (distance from boundary): Ok 80 m

Comments:  –

Contact person

Marcin Nowak – inspektor ds. gospodarki przestrzennej
tel. (81) 88 16 201


konskowola-ewid-uslugi-komercyjne konskowola-mpzp-uslugi-komercyjne konskowola-orto-uslugi-komercyjne